Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Guiding Mosaic Info Night

Guiding Mosaic 2016 will be taking place in Sylvan Lake, Alberta over the week of July 9th-17th.  This is an international camp that will draw Guides/Scouts from the 145 countries that are a part of WAGGGS.  Our second and third year Guides (girls born in 2003-2004) will be old enough to attend this camp.  More information can be found here

Guider Erin attended the last Guiding Mosaic and would be happy to tell you about the adventures that she had.

Our unit will not be attending this camp but girls can register as 'lones' and be placed with a local attending unit.

There is an upcoming information session on October 26th, from 7 PM - 8 PM at St. Peter's Lutheran Church (49 Queen Street North, Kitchener, ON)